Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Let's try this again...

Well, it's high time I started writing again. I have three random blogs that I've posted a handful of entries to, but I've decided to give this particular one another go. I am sure of two things: I don't know what I want my focus to be (though my original thought of a modge podge blog will do for now) and I likely will go through spells where I won't write. I am doing this primarily to have a place to record life, but who knows what path this will take...

I have four or five posts up in my brain right now, but for fear of going hog wild at the beginning and puttering out (something I have a tendancy to do), we'll keep this one short and sweet with a brief update on life, the fam & me.

The hubs continues to thrive in his role as elementary principal at a nearby school, and I'm constantly proud of all that he has achieved thus far in his career. He gets up and heads in early so that he can come home once my daycare kiddos leave. He invests in our family. He's the king of finding deals (more on that in posts to come I'm sure), and he's 100% devoted to us. I love him unconditionally and would not be me without him. 

My girls are growing faster than weeds. Kcup is nearly 2.5 already and L is 7 months. K was recently potty trained and along with that rite of passage, came a strong(er) sense of independence, a more outspoken voice and several more "I can do it myself's" a day! She is my ever constant narrator of life, my dancing girl, my drama queen and sweet soul. My current favorite thing that she does is to crawl up into my lap and say, "Hi Mommy. How are you today? I love you so very much..." and on and on. She LOVES being a big sister, and is very involved in anything that involves L. L is my little chunker monker...she's active and moving! She pivots, flips, and crawls backwards at this point to get to where she wants to go. She says mama, gah, ba, pa, and la... though will only occasionally repeat sounds (my favorite of course being maaa). She loves to eat, and so far hasn't refused a single thing that we've put in front of her or given her. She continus to be fairly laid back and predictable, though occasionally likes to keep me on my toes. They are our amazing blessings, and I continue to be overwhelmed with love for them!

I recently put in my official letter of resignation from my teaching position. For those of you that know me well, know I haven't been working these past two school years....Last school year I was on a child rearing leave for K and had L in August before this current school year, asking for a maternity leave for this school year. When I originally asked for leave, I genuinely did not know what I would do after that first school year was up. Then once I was pregnant with L, it became clear I should stay home a bit longer. It's been nice to have my contract on the back burner, but it was time to make a final decision. In some ways I feel like it was an easy decision, and in other ways impossible. I LOVE my district and am a little biased but I know that we are the best district around...I was respected there, and loved my co-workers, the students, our philosophies, our practices, etc. I was excited to re-enter the classroom again after 2 years out as instructional coach, and know that I have a lot to offer when it comes to teaching. But, what it comes down to is I just love my girls more. I know that may sound silly, but at the end of the day, I want to be doing what I love and what I love is being with them and raising them. I want them to have a firm, solid foundation, and I want to be able to be home with them during these incredibly fast-paced formative years. While in practice the past few years I've been just a stay at home mom, along with providing care for a few kiddos, now I really am *just* a stay at home mom. 

And that's okay with me...


  1. I'm super sad for us; we are losing an excellent educator. However, I am extremely happy for you and your family! Yay for you! You get to witness every moment of your precious girls growing up. How wonderful! Enjoy the journey. :)
    Keep us updated...and visit!

    1. Thank you Wendy!! I sure do miss you guys and it wasn't an easy decision to come to, but I know it's the right one. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Hope all is well!

  2. Just today, Linda and I were wondering what your decision was going to be. I hate to see you go, but completely understand your choice. You will never regret it. As I keep telling you - don't blink! ;o)

    1. Anne, You're so right! It goes by SO fast. I hope to work with you again in the future! Thank you for your support :):)

  3. I was just wondering about you and if you had made a decision for next year. School is our everything until we have kids - then it changes. Enjoy this time at home with the girls :)

    1. Thanks Katie! School certainly was my everything before kiddos, and I know it'll be waiting for me when I'm ready to devote more time to it again. Hope all is well! :)

  4. You will never regret this time with your girls. Cliche, but it does go so incredibly fast!!
