Somehow seemingly overnight Lil went from being this little (well okay, adorably chunky) immobile baby to one that is everywhere and into everything! While she isn't technically crawling forward, she army crawls forward pretty well and scoots herself backward too. She pivots herself in circles and is relying much more on forward/backward motion than flipping to get to where she wants to go. This new world of movement has presented new challenges with wanting to get into anything and everything she can get her hands on. She is particularly fond of Keira's toys (most of which are fine of her but some of which are too small for her) and Alli's toys (yuck!). She still prefers exploring on her own on the ground but is becoming more fond of "walking" while holding onto your hands too. She especially loves falling forward into your arms, and makes lots of happy noises and sounds when she's moving and grooving. She is still enjoying three big girl meals a day, enjoying lots of different solids & foods, along with nursing to keep up with all this activity! She is becoming known for her loud screeching while eating to express her enjoyment over food. At 7.5 months she's eating MANY more foods than her sister was even attempting at this point. While I love to see her grow, change and explore, I only wish I could freeze time and make it slow down!!!
Love these photos! She is growing and changing so quickly! <3